We started with "A for Ant".
I spent some time to read through the lesson plan given by Jann, and practiced a bit on the nursery rhythm per the lesson plan. Jann had given me most of the material, but I added on a few things like the mystery box (made by empty tissue paper box), pictures of objects spelled after letter A.

(My materials on teaching A for Ant)
I started by singing the greeting song (click here) to her, for which I changed the song of "Good morning, good morning, to you to you and to you....." to "Good evening...." as our lesson was in the night. But Chloe find it funny as she sings "Good morning" in her Saturday class, she then told me "quiet", haha! Well, this did not discourage me, I showed her "A" and "a" printed on A4 paper, I then let her colour it. I let her take out the pictures in the mystery box, and said out each item when she took it out. She likes the part of taking the pictures out from mystery box, she kept digging till the last piece and I had to tell her 'no more'..... haha. I let her paste the pictures on the letter A paper.

Look at her happy face with her work:

I then sang a phonics song on letter A to her, which was something like "ants on my ankles A, A, A... x3, A is the sound of A..." as the title of the lesson is supposed to be "A for Ant". I cut out a picture of ant and pasted it on our ankles, she likes the song but she was distracted by the scissor :(
Chloe and her ant:

While colouring the "Ant", there was really an ant crawling passed her table, I took the chance to tell her, that's an ant.
I also let her colour the picture of the ankles, then paste the cut out ants on it, but she seem not interested, I probably got to buy more colouring material instead of let her use the crayon only.
I ended my lesson by singing the closing song of "The ants go marching", while I was dancing with the song, she was busy with her artworks and paper. I then told her to give me a hug, and say "thank you mummy". The lesson was shorter than I thought it would be, it was about 40 min only.
Well, the lesson did not turn out satisfactory, but I would not say it was a complete failure. Chloe was distracted here and there, not concentrating. This is my first lesson for her, I'll learn from the mistakes I had made, and hopefully there'll be improvements on the coming lessons, not only on her, but on me as well.
Her next lesson will still be on letter A, but it'll be "A for Apple"
Youtube link on the song "The Ants Go Marching"
Learning milestone: 2 years 4 months
List of my fun classes:
1) A for Ant
2) A for Apple
3) B for Bubbles and Bear
4) C for Crocodile
5) C for Cake
6) D for Duck and Dog
7) E for Egg and Elephant
8) F for Frog
9) F for Fish
10) G for Goat
11) H for Horse
12) H for House
13) I for Insect
14) I for Indian
15) J for Jelly
16) J for Jack-in-the-box
17) K for Kettle
18) K for Kangaroo
19) L for lollipop
20) L for Leaf
21) M for Monkey
22) M for Mummy
23) N for Necklace
24) N for Net
25) O for Octopus
26) O for Orange
27) P for Potato
28) P for Pig
29) Q for Queen
30) Q for Quilt
31) R for Rabbit
32) R for Rainbow
33) S for Snake
34) S for Star
35) T for Tiger
36) T for Tortoise
37) U for Up and Under
38) U for Umbrella
39) V for Vegetable
40) V for Vase
1) A for Ant
2) A for Apple
3) B for Bubbles and Bear
4) C for Crocodile
5) C for Cake
6) D for Duck and Dog
7) E for Egg and Elephant
8) F for Frog
9) F for Fish
10) G for Goat
11) H for Horse
12) H for House
13) I for Insect
14) I for Indian
15) J for Jelly
16) J for Jack-in-the-box
17) K for Kettle
18) K for Kangaroo
19) L for lollipop
20) L for Leaf
21) M for Monkey
22) M for Mummy
23) N for Necklace
24) N for Net
25) O for Octopus
26) O for Orange
27) P for Potato
28) P for Pig
29) Q for Queen
30) Q for Quilt
31) R for Rabbit
32) R for Rainbow
33) S for Snake
34) S for Star
35) T for Tiger
36) T for Tortoise
37) U for Up and Under
38) U for Umbrella
39) V for Vegetable
40) V for Vase
41) W for Worm
42) W for Whale
43) X is a Cross
44) X for X-ray
45) Y for Yolk
46) Y for Yacht
47) Z for Zebra
48) Z for Zoo
trying out how to post a comment.
I like your blog and thanks for sharing.
Do you write the upper and lower case "a" by yourself? or printed somewhere? can you share the link?
Hi Sarah,
I print it out from word document, you can type it out and print :)
OH I see. What is the font and size you use? I find that the size is just nice.
hi Sarah,
give me your email address and I'll email a copy to you :)
Hi, I'm so inspire by your blog! can i have a copy too? kcmtry@gmail.com
Have emailed you :)
You are amazing, I would like to start this fun class with my 30mo son... would you mind to give me some ideas? I would love to attend Jann class but I am based in KL... Can share how and where I can prepare the material? (jesslysim@gmail.com)
Many thanks
hi jessly,
I've emailed you :)
Can share with me too? Thanks!
have replied :)
Came across your blog and was inspired to do your fun classes with my 18 mths old. :) can you share the resources via my email: happie31@hotmail.com? Thank you so much! Not many bloggers are willing to share... Appreciate your generosity!
Hi my girl is coming to 2 years old. Interested in the activities that you are teaching ur kids. Could you mind sharing your materials via email jov19ial@gmail.com. thanks
Chance upon your blog very inspiring, to self teach my 28 MO.
I would luv to attend Jann class but really far and difficulty to arrange the time.
Can you share with me is a must to intro like 1 letter for 2 wks ?
Hi Mummy TyDe,
It depends on your child and the age. My kids like the craft very much thus I split one letter into 2 lessons, is ok to combine the craft into one single lesson :)
Love your blog! My girl is coming to 2 and I would love to start doing what you are doing with your :) how i wish I can join the class that you have attended!
Do you mind sharing some of the materials with me over email? My email is yenz80@yahoo.com.
Oh btw, what is the phonics song CDs and book which you are using for her? Eg you have mentioned "ants on my ankles aaa" love to buy them over on my end :)
Many thanks for your kind sharing!
Hi Eunice,
I'll write you an email :)
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