Monday, September 12, 2011

Fun Class: F for Frog

Chloe: Mummy, Fun Class?
Me: Em....
Chloe: F for Frog ah?

My girl will ask me whether there will be Fun Class for her every time I fetch her home from babysitter's house. And she can always guess what I'll be teaching her next, amazing......

We started the lesson with "Greeting Song" (click here for the song), I showed her letter F printed on A4 paper, let her trace the letter. She's very familiar with the procedure by now, she would immediately trace the letter without me telling her. I then let her listen to the phonics song of F, and let her take out pictures of item start with letter F from a bag. The pictures consisted of "frog, fish, fork, flower, french fries". I let her paste the pictures on the Letter F A4 paper.

She purposely showed me a black face when i took out my camera, below picture showed the true mischievous her....

Whenever she took out one picture from the bag, I would ask her what is that and she would answer me before pasting the picture on the letter F paper. I used this method for lesson A, I then stopped using it for the subsequent lessons, but I still prefer this method as it was fun to her and she did pick up words from here, so I introduced back this method in this letter F lesson.

I told her we were going to learn F for frog. I prompted her to spell "frog". I wanted to take down the video of the prompting, but she was not cooperating, I would try to record it in future, but generally prompting is about pronouncing the phonics of the letters in a word and let the kid spells the word. For younger kid, you will have to prompt letter by letter.

I let her do the handicraft of frog, for which she pasted the crepe paper on the body of a picture of frog.

She had little patience on the pasting, so I had got to help her with it.

I then let her paint the head of the frog, which was something she likes to do, so no problem with it. After finished painting, let it dry, and cut a small hole on the mouth of the frog, and put through a blower, which acted like the tongue of the frog.

Chloe really likes this frog craft, for the first time she played this for at least 15 minutes! The result was of course the blower got damaged, but she was still playing it till I promised to buy her another blower to replace it.

We sang the closing song "Mr frog".

She ended the lesson by giving me a hug and saying "thank you" to me.

The lesson plan:
1) Greeting Song, click here
2) Introduce phonics of F, sing phonics song of F
3) Let the kids see pictures of objects start with F
4) Prompting
5) Tell the kid today we're learning F for Frog
6) Art craft on the Frog
7) Summary
8) Closing song


pc on September 16, 2011 at 2:01 PM said...

hi, hop over from Jann's FB:). well done on hard work! I was also attended Jann's class, but i did some alteration to the lesson plan, due to the time constraint and the maturity of my girl. anyway, would like to link your sharing in my recent entry, is it ok?

Learn the fun way on September 16, 2011 at 5:10 PM said...

Hi, pc, sure u can link me up, and do join the facebook page I created under "learn the fun way" so we can have meaningful discussion there!

Anonymous said...

Hi, she can color within the line at such a young age! Impressive!

learnthefunway on September 19, 2013 at 8:56 AM said...

Hi, I think she coloured out of the line for this craft at that time. If I remember correctly, at age 3 she would colour on a specific object but with manay blanks in between and out of the line. Her teacher once commented that was considered very good and I only realised that after seeing her classmates' colouring which were scribble all over the paper not just on the object :)

peggeromppe on April 25, 2022 at 6:35 AM said...

peggeromppe Tim Gray

glomcieVtempchi on May 22, 2022 at 7:52 AM said...

glomcieVtempchi Joshua Zamborsky Download

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Learn By The Fun Way!

Learning can be fun! Learning can be easy!

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