The mother (her name is Jann) who teaches this course have 2 children, the elder one is currently 9, while the younger one is currently 4.5. Both kids can write short story at the age of 4+, and the elder one will be publishing her first book soon. Jann shares with us her teaching methods, the responses of her children to her teaching, and the fun she has when teaching them. In each lesson, she'll give us the teaching plan, the arts craft materials, and the related songs.
The structure of the lesson is always as follow:
1) Greeting song (click here for the song)
2) Introduce a letter
3) Let the kid listen the sound of the letter
4) Introduce the theme of the lesson, e.g. "Today we're going to learn A for Ant"
5) Do arts craft e.g. "colour the ant"
6) Closing song e.g. "The ants go marching"
7) Summary and ending
I start to attend the course in early July, on a weekly basis, and have started teaching Chloe the phonics, which I try to have it once a week, and I call it "Fun Class". Chloe likes the lesson very much, she will request to have the lesson. I would say the materials used in the lesson is very creative and fun, some of the arts craft or small games, even me was having fun with it :)
The good points about this lesson is not just the materials or the lesson plan given by Jann, but her experience sharing with us. She let me understand and confirm my view that learning should be fun, and stress-free.
If you're interested in the course, you can email her at:

One of the suggested artwork, the carton box "house" when teaching letter "H", isn't it fun and creative? :)
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