The finished product will look something like this, isn't it cute?
J for Jellyfish
What you'll need:
1) 1 piece of plastic container (those you get when you buy back the food from hawker centre, if you really can't find it, you may use a transparent plastic cup)
2) 1 small piece of white paper for the eyes
3) Red and blue (or any other colours) colour transparent gift paper, I got mine from Daiso at $2 for 3 big piece in a pack.
4) Marker pen
5) A pair of scissors
6) Glue
1) Cut the red transparent paper into small pieces, about 1x1 inches.
2) Cut the blue transparent paper into strips as the tentacles of the jellyfish.
3) Put glue inside the container
4) Paste the red transparent paper cut in number (1) above inside the container
5) Paste the blue transparent paper cut in number (2) above at the side of the container, as the tentacles
6) Cut 2 ovals and draw the black eyes on it, paste it on the container
7) It is done. You may hang it up, it looked great with a light bulb hang inside the container.
This craft work is used in conjunction to my Fun Classes, you may refer here for details of my Fun Classes.
List of my A to Z crafts other than those used in the Fun Classes:
1) A for Apple Tree
2) B for Bear
3) C for Caterpillar
This section will be updated continuously as and when I have new craft idea for my kids. Do like my Facebook page "learn the fun way" to get more updates.