I for Insect
What you'll need:
1) 1 piece of egg shell (prepare more if you are doing a few types of insect)
2) 1 small piece of white paper for the wings
3) 1 small piece of black paper for the stripes
4) Marker pen
5) A pair of scissors
6) Water colours
7) Glue
1) Colour the egg shell with yellow and leave it to dry
2) Cut the white paper in round shape and fold it for the wings
3) Cut the black colour stripes, you'll need 2 stripes to be pasted on the egg shell
4) Draw the eyes, mouth on the egg shell after the colour is dried
5) Paste the wings and stripes on the egg shell
This craft work is used in conjunction to my Fun Classes, you may refer here for details of my Fun Classes.
List of my A to Z crafts other than those used in the Fun Classes:
1) A for Apple Tree
2) B for Bear
This section will be updated continuously as and when I have new crafts idea for my kids. Do like my Facebook page "learn the fun way" to get more updates.