Thursday, July 3, 2014

A to Z Crafts - N for Necklace

I've done this craft with my girl before in my fun class, which I find it quite fun and easy to do, thus I did it again with my son. Basically, you just need a string and some macaroni.

N for Necklace

What you'll need:
1) A string (preferably elastic)
2) Macaroni
3) Water colour (optional)

1) Paint the macaroni (if you prefer it to be colourful)
2) Let the kid thread the macaroni with a string
3) Tie it with a knot

 The necklace done:

The kids enjoyed playing with the macaroni.

I did not colour the macaroni, because those macaroni were our lunch the next day! Don't worry, I did wash the macaroni before!

This craft work is used in conjunction to my Fun Classes, you may refer here for details of my Fun Classes.

List of my A to Z crafts other than those used in the Fun Classes:
1) A for Apple Tree 
2) B for Bear 
3) C for Caterpillar

This section will be updated continuously as and when I have new craft idea for my kids. Do like my Facebook page "learn the fun way" to get more updates.

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