Monday, September 12, 2011

Fun Class - Greeting Song

A greeting song, can be any song, but it must be a lively, energetic one that symbolizes the start of the lesson. In many pre-schools, the teachers will sing this good morning song, click here (this video is not interesting, but is the only one I could find with the same melody, ha!). You need not sing the whole song which says out the names, you may just sing the following part:

Good morning, good morning
To you to you and to you
Good morning, good morning
To you and to you.....

You may also modify the song if you're having the lesson in afternoon or evening by changing the word "morning".

A greeting song is a must, my girl will stop and focus once she hears me singing the greeting song, it tells her that the lesson has started. I guess, the effect is just like when we heard the class monitor shouted "stand up!" and the classmates greeted the teacher "Good morning teacher", which told us that the class had started and we should stop playing and concentrate from then on.

A video of my girl singing the song:

(she almost forgotten the lyrics, ha!)


  1. Hi,

    Are you able to share with me where you buy all the training material? Kindly email me at

  2. Hi, I am amazed by the effort you put in to make learning so fun. Do you have any advice for me on how to start teaching my son who has just turned 1 yo?

    My email add:

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Your girl is Awesome and smart! I would love to learn from ya!) Would you mind share your teaching methods:) ? My email is

  4. Hi en en,
    My methods are playing with her, talk to her, and get her interest in learning:) as I believe learning shd be stress free and fun! I'll email u next week after I get back to work:)

  5. Dear en en, u r v generous to share.
    My son is 15 mths n I always worry about what to teach him, preferably I dont hv to send him to playgroup. But I feel my ideas n resources r limited thus think better let the playgroup professional handle it.
    When I read ur blog, I am amazed by jann method to mum n mum to kid. But 15 mths is too young to start on phonics. If you don't mind, pls share wif me ur method to make me a better sahm. Thanks!

  6. Hi Raine,
    I have a son who is 18 month old now. I don't intend to send him to playgroup. If you would like to expose your son to some learning activities, why don't you let him go for those enrichment classes? Kids at this age are still too young for structure learning, they can only learn through playing. E.g. I've never thought my son anything yet, but he can already say many words including all the names of the animals whenever he see them from book or TV. I guess he picks them up through the books I have at home. Right now, he is still 'monkeying' around the house.
    What you can do is to make available things like ABC magnets, books, writing board, big blocks, shape sorting and etc, around the house. He'll play around with the things himself :)

  7. Hi, may i know where you bought the materials and how you conduct the activity?do you mind sharing? My emaila add is atrina353@ . thank you

  8. Hi Thanks for sharing all the resources and the teaching method. It inspired me!

    Are you able to share where you buy the materials? Thanks.

  9. Hi,
    Those materials are quite easy to DIY, i normally see what I have and use the resources on hand. But if you would like to get a set, you may email Jann at
